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Benefits of Shiatsu


Studies have shown that touch "is a language that transmits emotions through the body" therefore shiatsu is very effective in treating conditions related to anxiety disorders or emotional stress manifested in:

pain and muscle tension;

menstrual dysfunction;


digestive disorders;

low defenses.

On a physical level it is very effective to treat:

back pain;

joint pain;


sprains and strains;

stiff neck and shoulders.


However it is not necessary feel ill to receive Shiatsu, if received regularly it will increase the sense of physical and emotional wellbeing. During a session we come into contact with our breathing, the body is oxygenated and revitalizes energy. Body and mind relax and reach a state of harmony, placing us in the present.

It is a way to enter into relationship with your body and your needs.


 *A session lasts around 60 minutes. 

 *It usually takes place on a padded mat or futon at floor level with the person fully dress on comfortable clothes.




Integrates TCM with tools from Gestalt psychotherapy and traditional shiatsu.

Thus in each session we work from the necessity of each person in the present moment, proposing and investigating together, client and therapist.

Considers that the connection created during the sessions is essential. The relationship and contact, trust and mutual space _ generated session after session is what helps and allows come into contact with our weaknesses, fears, sorrows, skills, abilities, strength and our power, is allowing us to open ourselves to creativity and discover our own resources.


More information Movement Shiatsu





Is a Japanese body therapy that seeks to re-balance body and mind. Holistic therapy that works with the symptoms and diseases that may arise. On the basis of the Traditional Chinese Medicine is understood that where there is discomfort or muscle contractures there is a block in the flow of energy (ki). As we work with different types of contact, mobilization, joint stretching, pressure with thumbs, elbows, hands and knees on energy lines (meridians) running through the body, we stimulate the different systems of the body, thereby correcting the imbalances.

The purpose of this therapy is to arrive to well-being, to maintain health and enhance the capacity of self-healing that we all possess.




"Each person has a unique history, each experience is placed into the body exclusively. Our body is the map of our experience."


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